n. [Brit. wallesia] a condition characterized by scanning faces in a crowd looking for a specific person who would have no reason to be there, which is your brain’s way of checking to see whether they’re still in your life, subconsciously patting its emotional pockets before it leaves for the day.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Piece of Me #75: Don't give Frozen Planet the cold shoulder...
Tonight sees the last episode of Frozen Planet on the BBC.
Now I'm not normally one for the nature programmes, but this portrayal of one of the coldest and most hostile environments of the globe is both fabulous and fascinating.
Although Attenborough can't compete with the likes of Bear Grylls in the eye candy stakes, the guy's a legend (hence the knighthood,) and without a doubt, the perfect man for the job.
In case you've missed it - two highlights from the series... Enjoy them my snow angels!
P.S Would have included the bison clip, but I'll let you into a secret... it.makes.me.cry.every.time
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Piece of Me #74: Queen Caro
Why am I sitting in the middle of nowhere
Standing here with nothing to do?
Standing here with nothing to do?
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Piece of Me #72: Hilair
You only need to watch the first 45 seconds of this and you'll (probably) rate it up there with your all time favourite reality TV moments.
I genuinely didn't think a Strictly contestant could beat Anne Widdecombe's magical moves which graced the dancefloor last year - but Russ, I think you topped it!
Russel Grant + human cannon + canary yellow shirt = comedy gold...
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Piece of Me #71: Read all about it...
If you're curious to find out what it's like to be a real-life spaceman, take a sneaky peek at this...
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Piece of Me #69: Perry
I'm thinking of including Perry the Platypus on my current job applications.
I reckon he'd impress potential future employers.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Piece of Me #68: We will remember them...
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Piece of Me #64: Pinch Yourself
Sometimes you have to pinch yourself to appreciate the beauty of what's right in front of your eyes. All too often we crave an escape to an undiscovered place when things get too much.
Looking out the window, I realised the comfort of these surroundings is all I need right now.
Hollis HQ, I salute your autumnal charm.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Piece of Me #63: Pitmen Painters
Maybe it was the Newcastle nostalgia.
Or perhaps the heartwarming humour and history.
Whatever swung it for me, Pitmen Painters is by the far one of the best plays I've seen in a long, long time. Featuring the original works of a group of infamous Geordie miners, its actors provoked endearment, ethos, and emotion in equal measures.
And not only that, their works weren't half bad either... (see below...)
Driven by a "hunger for self improvement" the protagonists in this Tyneside tale left a powerful legacy, reminding us that whatever social barriers we might face, we all have the ability to break the mould and achieve something more.
Catch Pitmen Painters at the Duchess Theatre, WC2...
Piece of Me #62
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again...
So, I flew the nest, and now I've flown right back again.
It's been a bit of a 360 degree turn.
Like when you had to draw a circle in GCSE maths using a compass (I kind of miss those trivial tasks) and the smudged line from your almost blunt pencil re-traces the exact point that you started from.
Back to the drawing board, my canvas is once again well and truly blank.
I guess I'm just longing to feel settled and to know what's around the corner.
And then I remind myself... where's the fun in that?
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Piece of Me #61: There's no business like showbusiness....
All the fun of the fair...
Like most others, I love a good carousel.
And it seems Marc Jacobs is no exception.
The Louis Vuitton designer gripped guests with this rather novel fashion funfair which certainly caught my eye whilst flicking through this week's Grazia!
Monday, 10 October 2011
Piece of Me #60: Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...
Oh I do love to be beside the sea.
Took a day trip to Brighton with my mum a couple of weeks ago.
Seriously cool place and only a stone's throw (or rather a short train ride) from London town. I'd recommend it to anyone looking to escape the big smoke just for one day...
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Piece of Me #58: Cosmic
These awesome animated photographs are part of project 'Stellar' by Ignacio Torres.
They are the creative result of his belief that humans are made from cosmic matter from a star's death. Unique and mysteriously mythical, he created the images shooting the subject from four different angles, taking the pictures all at the same time with a synched flash.
They are like nothing I've seen before - I love!
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Piece of Me #57: Thank you...
Thank you for listening to my own pointless dramas over and over again.
Thank you for feeding me teeny weeny little burgers, and lacing me with wine to wash them down with.
Thank you for raising my spirits!
Piece of Me #55: L.O.S.T.
I'm not lost, not lost, just undiscovered
And when we're alone we're all the same as each other
You see the look that's on my face, you might think that I'm out of place
I'm not lost, no, no, just undiscovered
And when we're alone we're all the same as each other
You see the look that's on my face, you might think that I'm out of place
I'm not lost, no, no, just undiscovered
Friday, 2 September 2011
Piece of Me #54: Girls just want to have funds...
Whilst I agree with Cyndi Lauper to a certain extent (of course girls just want to have fun) there's something they want - or should I say need - more in order pursue aforementioned fun.
And in unemployment procrastination I can't help imagining how things would be taking rather a different turn if I had a little more of it...
Think sun, sangria, and sandy beaches...
Oh and these glorious glittering Miu Miu booties.
Any takers?
Piece of Me # 53: Time to fly the nest...
The time has definitely come for that tiny little adventurous bird to fly the nest - in fact, it's just about done with 'patiently waiting'...
Whilst I have no idea where life's path is going to take me, things can only get better, right?
Open to all suggestions for where this bird should fly next...
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Piece of Me # 52: Out of this world...
Whilst I got the impression that for him, it's all part of the day job - and let's face it, that's the reality - there was something incredibly vivid about his descriptions.
He casually told me about photographing Mount Kilimanjaro, pinpointing its tiny pinnacle on the horizon, (as you do,) and spotting Everest from the window of his space shuttle...
Although the recent months have been a turbulent time for NASA he was extremely inspirational, and having been rejected from the RAF in the early stages of his career, his achievements are proof that we can all overcome life's obstacles to pursue bigger and better things.
Reach for the stars peeps...
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